Success Mantra – Keep Professional and Personal Life Separate

 Success Mantra – Keep Professional and Personal Life Separate

Sometimes it will be a crucial part to manage professional and personal life when you are working. Even many of the individuals who have started their professional life, they do not know how to keep distance between both the lives. If you want to get success in your life when you are working anywhere, then the success mantra is be like “Keep the professional and personal things separate”

This matter can be easily understood when you will have dip dive into your profession. Step by step you will able to understand that you can have more growth and success in your life if you do so. Growing by age , personal and professional responsibilities also grow. So, keep habituating from the start of your professional life.

How you can keep your personal life separate from your professional life??

  • Never get emotionally attached with your co-workers.
  • Never share personal matters with any of your colleague.
  • If someone is rumoring about yourself, then you should have guts to stop that person.
  • Focus only on your work..not on the other things(like commenting on someone, gossiping, extra chit-chats, etc.)
  • Come on time..and leave workplace on time(if you are not the boss and if you have not finished your work on time)
  • Avoid foul languages, being offensive, posting personal comments for anyone, etc.

Mixing of both the lives will create disturbance in your life. Now, it is upto you which way to choose. Many professionals who got succeed in their life have created great balance in their life. Sachin Tendulkar, Bill Gates, Lady Gaga or Tom Cruise are the best examples of those people who have kept their both the life separate.

How to manage between both?

  • Time Management

Keep a time-table in which you have divided equal time for both your work as well as your family. Neither of the one should get affected with your decision. Every time you doesn’t need to give 50%- 50% to both, you can also have 40%-60% but to the next time 60%-40% should be there. Always being 40%-60% should create problems in one of your life.

  • Initiating Boundaries

Creating boundaries between both the lives increases your work efficiency as well as also reduce your stress in personal life. Sometimes the situations comes when if you doesn’t wish to break the boundary, but it be so. At that time we have to handle the situation or else have to wait for the right time.

  • Social Media handling(Separately for both)

Social media impacts more in both the lives. It is the peak parameter whose result affects more. As you want to be focused on your personal life, then do not add or connect with any of your professional one on Facebook. Same as for the professional one , do not connect with the personal contacts on LinkedIn.

  • Clear Communication

Have a clear communication with your superior whom you reports in your profession. Also with your respected family members. Clear with both of them not to interfere with any of.

Hope so this blog might gives you right direction or some fruitful thoughts to go ahead.

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